Monday, June 4, 2018

The elevator starts from rest at the first floor of the building. It can accelerate at 5 ft/s and then decelerate mdch12

The elevator starts from rest at the first floor of the
 building. It can accelerate at 5 ft/s and then decelerate at 2ft/s
Determine the shortest time it takes to reach a floor
40 ft above the ground. The elevator starts from rest and
then stops. Draw the a–t, v–t, and s–t graphs for the motion.
2 ft>s2.
Click on the image to view it clearly

The elevator starts from rest at the first floor of the
 building. It can accelerate at 5 ft/s and then decelerate at 2ft/s
Determine the shortest time it takes to reach a floor
40 ft above the ground. The elevator starts from rest and
then stops. Draw the a–t, v–t, and s–t graphs for the motion.
2 ft>s2.

An airplane starts from rest, travels 5000 ft down a runway, and after uniform acceleration, takes off with a speed of mdch12

An airplane starts from rest, travels 5000 ft down a runway,
and after uniform acceleration, takes off with a speed of 162 mi/h.
It then climbs in a straight line with a uniform
acceleration of of 3ft/s^2 until it reaches a constant speed of 220 mi/h draw the s-t v-t and a-t graphs 
.that describe the motion
Click on the image to view it clearly

An airplane starts from rest, travels 5000 ft down a runway,
and after uniform acceleration, takes off with a speed of 162 mi/h.
It then climbs in a straight line with a uniform
acceleration of of 3ft/s^2 until it reaches a constant speed of 220 mi/h draw the s-t v-t and a-t graphs .that describe the motion

If the position of a particle is defined by s=2sin mdch12

A particle starts from s=0 and travels along a straight line with a velocity mdch12

A particle starts from s=0 and travels along a straight line with a velocity v=t^2-4t+3 m/s where t is in second construct the v-t and a-t graphs for the time interval 0<t<4 s

Click on the image to view it clearly

A particle starts from s=0 and travels along a straight line with a velocity v=t^2-4t+3 m/s where t is in second construct the v-t and a-t graphs for the time interval 0<t<4 s

Two rockets start from rest at the same elevation. Rocket A accelerates vertically at 20 mdch12

Two rockets start from rest at the same elevation. Rocket A
accelerates vertically at 20 m/s2 for 12 s and then maintains
a constant speed. Rocket B accelerates at 15 m>s2 until
reaching a constant speed of 150 m/s. Construct the a–t, v–t,
and s–t graphs for each rocket until t = 20 s. What is the
distance between the rockets when t = 20 s?

Click on the image to view it clearly

Two rockets start from rest at the same elevation. Rocket A
accelerates vertically at 20 m/s2 for 12 s and then maintains
a constant speed. Rocket B accelerates at 15 m>s2 until
reaching a constant speed of 150 m/s. Construct the a–t, v–t,
and s–t graphs for each rocket until t = 20 s. What is the
distance between the rockets when t = 20 s?

The s–t graph for a train has been experimentally determined. From the data, construct mdch12

The s–t graph for a train has been experimentally
determined. From the data, construct the v–t and a–t graphs
for the motion; 0 < t < 40 s. For 0 < t < 30 s, the curve is
s = (0.4t^2) m, and then it becomes straight for t t>30 s.

Click on the image to view it clearly

The s–t graph for a train has been experimentally
determined. From the data, construct the v–t and a–t graphs
for the motion; 0 < t < 40 s. For 0 < t < 30 s, the curve is
s = (0.4t^2) m, and then it becomes straight for t t>30 s.

A freight train starts from rest and travels with a constant acceleration of mdch12

A freight train starts from rest and travels with a constant
acceleration of 15 ft/s after a time t it maintains a constant speed so that when t=160 s it has traveled 
2000ft . determin the time t and draw the v-t graph for the motion

Click on the image to view it clearly

A freight train starts from rest and travels with a constant
acceleration of 15 ft/s after a time t it maintains a constant speed so that when t=160 s it has traveled 2000ft . determin the time t and draw the v-t graph for the motion

Accounting for the variation of gravitational acceleration a with respect to altitude y mdch12.

Accounting for the variation of gravitational acceleration
a with respect to altitude y (see Prob. 12–36), derive an
equation that relates the velocity of a freely falling particle
to its altitude. Assume that the particle is released from
rest at an altitude y0 from the earth’s surface. With what
velocity does the particle strike the earth if it is released
from rest at an altitude y0 = 500 km

Click on the image to view it clearly

Accounting for the variation of gravitational acceleration
a with respect to altitude y (see Prob. 12–36), derive an
equation that relates the velocity of a freely falling particle
to its altitude. Assume that the particle is released from
rest at an altitude y0 from the earth’s surface. With what
velocity does the particle strike the earth if it is released
from rest at an altitude y0 = 500 km

Friday, May 25, 2018

ideal turbojet with an afterburner flies at 22,000 ft with a Mach numher of 0.88

ideal turbojet with an afterburner flies at 22,000 ft with a Mach numher
of 0.88. It ingests 192 lbm/s of air, and the compressor pressure ratio 
The fuel has a heating value of 17,900 Btu/Ibm. The primary burner »nd
afterburner exit total temperatures are 2350 and 2980 OR, respectively. (a)
Find the developed thrust, dimensionless thrust, and TSFC. (b) Compare
these parameters with those of the nonafterburning case.

manual solution Fundamentals of Jet Propulsion with Applications by Flack. R.D