Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Demonstrates the thermodynamics and fluid mechanics of the adiabatic expansion of air through subsonic and supersonic nozzles report aeronautical lab 1


In this experiment we studies the pressure distribution over a convergent divergent nozzle for subsonic and supersonic flow, the nozzle was inside a reservoir, we calculated the pressure ratios and put them in the isentropic relations to obtain the Mach number .

A nozzle is a relatively simple device, just a specially shaped tube through which hot gases flow. Ramjets and rockets typically use a fixed convergent section followed by a fixed divergent section for the design of the nozzle. This nozzle configuration is called a convergent-divergent, or CD, nozzle. In a CD nozzle, the hot exhaust leaves the combustion chamber and converges down to the minimum area, or throat, of the nozzle. 

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