Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The car starts from rest at s = 0 and is subjected to an acceleration shown by the a–s graph. Draw the v–s graph and determine the time needed to travel 200 ft.

The car starts from rest at s = 0 and is subjected to an
acceleration shown by the a–s graph. Draw the v–s graph
and determine the time needed to travel 200 ft.
Click on the image to view it clearly

The car starts from rest at s = 0 and is subjected to an
acceleration shown by the a–s graph. Draw the v–s graph
and determine the time needed to travel 200 ft.

The jet car is originally traveling at a velocity of 10 m>s when it is subjected to the acceleration shown

The jet car is originally traveling at a velocity of 10 m>s
when it is subjected to the acceleration shown. Determine
the car’s maximum velocity and the time t when it stops.
When t = 0, s = 0.

The jet car is originally traveling at a velocity of 10 m>s
when it is subjected to the acceleration shown. Determine
the car’s maximum velocity and the time t when it stops.
When t = 0, s = 0.

The race car starts from rest and travels along a straight road until it reaches a speed of 26

The race car starts from rest and travels along a straight
road until it reaches a speed of 26 m>s in 8 s as shown on the
v–t graph. The flat part of the graph is caused by shifting
gears. Draw the a–t graph and determine the maximum
acceleration of the car
Click on the image to view it clearly

The race car starts from rest and travels along a straight
road until it reaches a speed of 26 m>s in 8 s as shown on the
v–t graph. The flat part of the graph is caused by shifting
gears. Draw the a–t graph and determine the maximum
acceleration of the car

A two-stage rocket is fired vertically from rest at s = 0 with the acceleration as shown. After 30 s the first

A two-stage rocket is fired vertically from rest at s = 0 with
the acceleration as shown. After 30 s the first stage, A, burns
out and the second stage, B, ignites. Plot the v–t and s–t
graphs which describe the motion of the second stage for
0 <t< 60 s.
Click on the image to view it clearly

A two-stage rocket is fired vertically from rest at s = 0 with
the acceleration as shown. After 30 s the first stage, A, burns
out and the second stage, B, ignites. Plot the v–t and s–t
graphs which describe the motion of the second stage for
0 <t< 60 s.

The a–s graph for a rocket moving along a straight track has been experimentally determined. If the rocket starts at

The a–s graph for a rocket moving along a straight track has
been experimentally determined. If the rocket starts at s = 0
when v = 0, determine its speed when it is at
s = 75 ft, and 125 ft, respectively. Use Simpson’s rule with
n = 100 to evaluate v at s = 125 ft.
Click on the image to view it clearly

The a–s graph for a rocket moving along a straight track has
been experimentally determined. If the rocket starts at s = 0
when v = 0, determine its speed when it is at
s = 75 ft, and 125 ft, respectively. Use Simpson’s rule with
n = 100 to evaluate v at s = 125 ft.

Monday, June 4, 2018

The v–t graph for a particle moving through an electric field from one plate to another has the shape shown in the figure mdch2

The v–t graph for a particle moving through an electric field
from one plate to another has the shape shown in the figure,
where t = 0.2 s and vmax = 10 m/s. Draw the s–t and a–t graphs
for the particle. When t = t/2 the particle is at s = 0.5 m.
Click on the image to view it clearly

The v–t graph for a particle moving through an electric field
from one plate to another has the shape shown in the figure,
where t = 0.2 s and vmax = 10 m/s. Draw the s–t and a–t graphs
for the particle. When t = t/2 the particle is at s = 0.5 m.

the v–t graph for a particle moving through an electric field from one plate to another has the shape mdch12

The v–t graph for a particle moving through an electric field
from one plate to another has the shape shown in the figure.
The acceleration and deceleration that occur are constant
and both have a magnitude of 4m/s If the plates are
spaced 200 mm apart, determine the maximum velocity v max
and the time for the particle to travel from one plate to
the other. Also draw the s–t graph. When the
particle is at s = 100 mm.
t = t/2
Click on the image to view it clearly

The v–t graph for a particle moving through an electric field
from one plate to another has the shape shown in the figure.
The acceleration and deceleration that occur are constant
and both have a magnitude of 4m/s If the plates are
spaced 200 mm apart, determine the maximum velocity v max
and the time for the particle to travel from one plate to
the other. Also draw the s–t graph. When the
particle is at s = 100 mm.
t = t/2

The motion of a jet plane just after landing on a runway is described by the a–t graph mdch12

The motion of a jet plane just after landing on a runway
is described by the a–t graph. Determine the time t when
the jet plane stops. Construct the v–t and s–t graphs for the
motion. Here s = 0, and v = 300 ft/s when t = 0.
Click on the image to view it clearly

The motion of a jet plane just after landing on a runway
is described by the a–t graph. Determine the time t when
the jet plane stops. Construct the v–t and s–t graphs for the
motion. Here s = 0, and v = 300 ft/s when t = 0.

The velocity of a car is plotted as shown. Determine the total distance the car moves until it stops t=80 s Construct the a–t graph.mdch12

The velocity of a car is plotted as shown. Determine the total distance the car moves until it stops 
t=80 s Construct the a–t graph.

Click on the image to view it clearly

The velocity of a car is plotted as shown. Determine the total distance the car moves until it stops t=80 s Construct the a–t graph.The velocity of a car is plotted as shown. Determine the total distance the car moves until it stops t=80 s Construct the a–t graph.The velocity of a car is plotted as shown. Determine the total distance the car moves until it stops t=80 s Construct the a–t graph.The velocity of a car is plotted as shown. Determine the total distance the car moves until it stops t=80 s Construct the a–t graph.The velocity of a car is plotted as shown. Determine the total distance the car moves until it stops t=80 s Construct the a–t graph.